Background Papers: FFD Multi-Stakeholder Consultations on Systemic Issues (Lima, Peru) – New Rules for Global Finance Coalition

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Background Papers: FFD Multi-Stakeholder Consultations on Systemic Issues (Lima, Peru)

February 17-18, 2005


Organized by Civil Society: New Rules for Global Finance Coalition and Asociacion Latinoamericana de Organismos para Promocion de Desarrollo

Co-Sponsored by Foreign Ministry of SwedenUN FoundationDESCOFriedrich Ebert Foundation

Open Forum

The Future of Development Financing: Challenges, Scenarios and Strategic Choices. Francisco Sagasti, Keith Bezanson and Fernando Prada. October 2004. (175 pages)

Session I: Introduction

External Financing for Development and International Financial Instability. Jan Kregel. October 2004. (34 pages)

Session II: Evaluating the Official Reform Agenda for the International Financial Architecture

Draft Rapporteur’s Report from the International Conference on Financing for Development Multi-Stakeholder Consultations on Systemic Issues. Washington, DC. November 2004. (14 pages)

Session III: Mechanisms for Crisis Prevention

A Proposal for a New International Debt Framework (IDF) for the Prevention and Resolution of Debt Crisis in Middle-Income Countries. Kathrin Berensmann and Frank Schroeder. February 2005.

Recent Trends and Debates on the International Financial System. Joseph Anthony Y. Lim. February 2004. (24 pages)

Debt Relief for Low Income Countries: Arbitration as the Alternative to Present Unsuccessful Debt Strategies. Kunibert Raffer. August 2001 (14 pages)

Lunch: Financing MDGs

A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Jeffrey Sachs. (available in English, Spanish, French Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese, and Russian)

Session IV: Provision of Credit in Times of Crisis

New International Financial Contributions for Development. A report by the working group chaired by Jean-Pierre LANDAU. 2004.

Please see in particular the Executive Summary (Pages 3-12) SPANISH / FRENCH / ENGLISH

Report of the Technical Group on Innovative Financing Mechanisms. September 2004. (67 pages)

Session V: Reforming Governance of Global Institutions

Reforming the IMF: From the Bottom-Up . Comments made by Dr. Bessma Momani at the Financing for Development consultation in Lima, Peru, on February 17, 2005 (2 pages)

The Reform of Global Financial Governance Arrangements . Stephany Griffith-Jones and Jenny Kimmis (39 pages)

Why It Matters Who Runs the IMF and the World Bank. Nancy Birdsall. October 2003 (35 pages)

Session VI: Management of Capital Flows and Risk Exposure

A. Countercyclical Prudential Regulation

Capital-account and counter-cyclical prudential regulations in developing countries. José Antonio Ocampo. February 2003. (37 pages)

B. Domestic Currency-Denominated Debt

Up From Sin: A Portfolio Approach to Financial Salvation. Randall Dodd and Shari Spiegel. August 2004 (29 pages)

Lunch: Imbalances in the Global Economy

Desbalances Globales Principales Retatos / Imbalances in the Global Economy (spanish) (9 pages) / Slides (spanish) (8 Slides). Javier Silva Ruete, Executive Director for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay, International Monetary Fund.

Remarks by Raghuram Rajan, Economic Counsellor and Director of the Research Department, International Monetary Fund, at the Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Sydney, Australia, December 15, 2004 (7 pages)

Dollar Adjustment – Hard Landing or Global Slowdown? J.A. Kregel. 2005 (17 pages)

Session VII: Conclusion

Note: For more resources on a particular session you may want to look at thebackground papers from the November 16-17, 2004 Consultation in Washington, DC

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